Knitted Together Fashion Show Knitted Together Zine Knitted Together Rise and Fall exhibition Underworld exhibition Kresen Kernow Underworld exhibition Falmouth Art Gallery Underworld Picture Post Newlyn Art Gallery takeover event Studio Foundations sharing event Sketchbooks Library Cornish Doorways book launch at the Exchange Gallery Cornish Doorways celebratory film event Krowji Christmas Open Studios Swanbake Studio Foundations light art talk and sharing Shoreline Mask Bill's Dream Picture It Wardrobe Project Beautiful Dirt Shared Spaces Clay Midnight Feast Mind the Gap Faces Shallal with Strings Portraits performance Chromatic Cornish Doorways exhibition at Museum of Cornish Life Ladders and Footprints Cornish Doorways show Porthmeor Studios September Festival exhibition Sea Saw Face to Face Mazey Day Glimpses