
Rise and Fall exhibition

’Rise and Fall’ was a new body of installation work, created by Shallal Studios in partnership with Grays Wharf. Artist Janet Holland used found objects and recycled materials to create large-scale paintings which became a theatrical set in the space for performers and musicians to respond to. The audience was invited to witness Holland’s rhythmic painting process and observe the dramatically changing landscape around them.


Underworld is a project by Shallal Studios artists exploring bats and seaweed. Over eight months 74 artists and 85 school children researched and developed work through a series of workshops that explored Cornwall’s natural world - low beneath the surface of the sea and high into the night sky. The multi-sensory project was led by the artists’ research, coming together through two exhibitions at Kresen Kernow & Falmouth Art Gallery, an e-book and a printed zine. 

Sketchbooks Library

Shallal Sketchbooks is an ongoing community art project involving hundreds of people in the UK and overseas over the past five years. Participants are sent a sketchbook in the post and after three months they return the full sketchbook to Shallal to be included in a growing travelling library.

We are grateful to our social prescribing partners Imagine If CIC for helping Sketchbooks to carry on through the current pandemic.

Picture Post

Picture Post was a Shallal Studios project to stay connected with our artists during the pandemic in 2020, and to allow our creative community to thrive.

We sent artists an activity pack each week with ideas for making art, along with instructional videos. We worked in partnership with Project Ability in Glasgow, who shared their art videos with us too. The weekly activity packs were available online so that artists anywhere could take part.

Studio Foundations sharing event

Our 2019 Back Lane West cross-art residency ended with a sharing event on 31st October

The walls were filled with art made during the month-long residency including collaborative sculpture, drawings, painting, photography, films, electronic music and poetry. The exhibition included shadow puppets made by children at Red River School in Redruth as part of the project. This was our first Back Lane West residency to include artists from our new Shallal Studio at Krowji creative hub in Redruth. 

Krowji Christmas Open Studios

Krowji Christmas Open Studios was our first opportunity to open our doors to the public and show people what Shallal Studios is about

Local people from Redruth and local artists came to see Shallal's new studio G08 in the Percy Williams building at Krowji. As well as showing paintings, drawings, photography and mixed media work, our Shallal Sketchbooks archive was on display and people enjoyed browsing through the books.

Newlyn Art Gallery takeover event

In January 2020, Newlyn Art Gallery offered Shallal the chance to take over the gallery for three days in a gap between shows

The long weekend was the culmination of three Shallal projects: It was the final Embodied Space improvised dance performance of Shallal Dance Theatre’s Here and Now project, the final art exhibition of our Shallal Studios Expanding Limits project and the final exhibition for our Shalla

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